All Humans are Pre-Programmed to Innate Carcinogenesis through the Co-Occurrence of Metastases Caused by Quantum Entanglement Entropy

Author Details

Robert Skopec

Journal Details


Published: 10 October 2018 | Article Type :


Developmental biologists at Tufts University, using a tadpole model, that bioelectrical signals from distant cells control the incidence of tumors arising from cancer-causing genes and that this process is impacted by levels of a common fatty acid produced by bacteria found in the tadpole and also in humans. Bile acids and oxidative stress decrease DNA repair proteins, an increase in DNA damage and increased genomic instability through this mechanism of metastases caused by Quantum Entanglement Entropy. This process provides a mechanistic explanation for the important QEE link between a Western-style diet and associated increased levels of colon cancer.

Keywords: CRISPR enzyme, CRISPR-Cas13d, indole-3-carbinol, lining of the intestines, the surface of the bowels, stomach acid, vegetables, cancer, gut inflammation, metastases, Quantum Entanglement Entropy.

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How to Cite


Robert Skopec. (2018-10-10). "All Humans are Pre-Programmed to Innate Carcinogenesis through the Co-Occurrence of Metastases Caused by Quantum Entanglement Entropy." *Volume 1*, 2, 29-36